Source | Explanation |
soundcard.h | The C/C++ header file that defines the OSS API. |
osstest.c | The osstest program shipped with OSS |
help.c | Source file oss-testing/cmd/osstest/help.c |
ossinfo.c | The ossinfo program that is included in the OSS package. |
ossxmix.c | This is the ossxmix (GTK++ GUI) program shipped with OSS |
ossmix.c | Sources for the ossmix command line mixer shipped with OSS |
ossplay_wparser.c | File header write routines for OSSRecord. |
ossplay.c | Sources for the ossplay audio player and for the ossrecord |
ossplay_decode.c | Sample format decode routines for ossplay |
ossplay_parser.c | File format parse routines for ossplay |
ossplay_console.c | Console output interface functions and related. |
ossplay.h | Source file oss-testing/cmd/ossplay/ossplay.h |
playtgt.c | A sample program for play target selection |
mixer_applet.c | A sample program for developing a simple mixer applet. |
fulldup.c | Full duplex sample program using the single device approach. |
mmap_duplex.c | A simple sample program for doing dull duplex using mmap |
midiin.c | A minimalistic MIDI input programming sample. |
mmap_test.c | A sample program for using mmap() |
singen.c | A simple audio playback program that plays continuous 1 kHz sine wave. |
midi.c | A minimalistic MIDI output programming sample. |
audiolevel.c | A simple program that does audio recording. |
recsrc.c | A sample program for recording source selection |
mixext.c | A simple sample program for using the new mixer API |
dsp_geterror_demo.c | A simple demonstration of |
morse.c | Simple audio programming example that plays morse code. |
morse3.c | Yet another morse code program that uses select |
morse2.c | Another morse code program that uses select |
seltest2.c | This program has been used to verify that the select() call works |
iosync.c | Measuring the hardware level latencies. |
musicin.c | A program that demonstrates MIDI input with /dev/music (obsolete) |
sweepdown.c | Plays a funny synthetic engine stop sound |
multich32.c | Source file oss-testing/tutorials/sndkit/tests/multich32.c |
sweepup.c | A simple program that plays frequency sweep from 10 Hz to fs/2. |
multich16.c | Source file oss-testing/tutorials/sndkit/tests/multich16.c |
ioctl_test.c | This program has been used to verify that some of the ioctl calls work |
spdif_in_debug.c | A program that prints the S/PDIF receiver status. |
synctest.c | A program that demonstrates use of syncronization groups. |
softsynth_gtk.c | A simple software MIDI synthesizer program with GTK GUI. |
softsynth.c | A simple software MIDI synthesizer program. |