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This file is part of Open Sound System.
Copyright (C) 4Front Technologies 1996-2008.
This this source file is released under GPL v2 license (no other versions). See the COPYING file included in the main directory of this source distribution for the license terms and conditions.
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <soundcard.h> #include <errno.h> #include "ossplay_wparser.h" #pragma pack(1) typedef struct { char main_chunk[4]; uint32 length; char chunk_type[4]; char sub_chunk[4]; uint32 sc_len; uint16 format; uint16 modus; uint32 sample_fq; uint32 byte_p_sec; uint16 block_align; uint16 bit_p_spl; char data_chunk[4]; uint32 data_length; } WaveHeader; typedef struct { char magic[4]; uint32 offset; uint32 filelen; uint32 fmt; uint32 speed; uint32 channels;
Some old specs say the field below is optional. Others say that this field is mandatory, and must be at least 4 bytes long (SoX prints out a warning). We'll put a nice "Made by OSSRecord" comment and shut SoX up.
char comment[18]; } AuHeader; typedef struct { char main_chunk[4]; uint32 length; char chunk_type[4]; char sub_chunk[4]; uint32 comm_len; uint16 channels; uint32 num_frames; uint16 bits; unsigned char speed[10]; char data_chunk[4]; uint32 data_length; uint32 offset; uint32 blocksize; } AiffHeader; #pragma pack() extern FILE *wave_fp; static int bswap (int x) { int y = 0; unsigned char *a = ((unsigned char *) &x) + 3; unsigned char *b = (unsigned char *) &y; *b++ = *a--; *b++ = *a--; *b++ = *a--; *b = *a; return y; } static short bswaps (short x) { short y = 0; unsigned char *a = ((unsigned char *) &x) + 1; unsigned char *b = (unsigned char *) &y; *b++ = *a--; *b = *a; return y; } int write_head (FILE * wave_fp, fctypes_t type, unsigned long long datalimit, int format, int channels, int speed) { uint32 dl = datalimit; if ((speed <= 0) || (channels <= 0) || (format <= 0)) return -1; if (datalimit > U32_MAX) dl = U32_MAX; switch (type) { case WAVE_FILE: { WaveHeader wh; int bits = format2bits (format); if (datalimit > U32_MAX - sizeof(WaveHeader) + 8) print_msg (WARNM, "Data size exceeds file format limit!\n"); if ((datalimit == 0) || (datalimit > U32_MAX - sizeof(WaveHeader) + 8)) dl = U32_MAX - sizeof(WaveHeader) + 8; memcpy ((char *) &wh.main_chunk, "RIFF", 4); wh.length = LE_INT (dl + sizeof (WaveHeader) - 8); memcpy ((char *) &wh.chunk_type, "WAVE", 4); memcpy ((char *) &wh.sub_chunk, "fmt ", 4); wh.sc_len = LE_INT (16); switch (format) { case AFMT_A_LAW: wh.format = LE_SH (6); break; case AFMT_MU_LAW: wh.format = LE_SH (7); break; case AFMT_U8: case AFMT_S16_LE: case AFMT_S24_LE: case AFMT_S24_PACKED: case AFMT_S32_LE: wh.format = LE_SH (1); break; default: print_msg (ERRORM, "%s sample format not supported by WAV writer!\n", sample_format_name (format)); return E_FORMAT_UNSUPPORTED; } wh.modus = LE_SH (channels); wh.sample_fq = LE_INT (speed); wh.block_align = LE_SH (channels * bits / 8); wh.byte_p_sec = LE_INT (speed * channels * bits / 8); wh.bit_p_spl = LE_SH (bits); memcpy ((char *) &wh.data_chunk, "data", 4); wh.data_length = LE_INT (dl); if (fwrite (&wh, sizeof (WaveHeader), 1, wave_fp) == 0) return E_ENCODE; } break; case AU_FILE: { AuHeader ah; if ((datalimit == 0) || (datalimit > U32_MAX)) dl = 0xffffffff; memcpy ((char *) &ah.magic, ".snd", 4); ah.offset = BE_INT (sizeof (AuHeader)); ah.filelen = BE_INT (dl); switch (format) { case AFMT_MU_LAW: ah.fmt = BE_INT (1); break; case AFMT_S8: ah.fmt = BE_INT (2); break; case AFMT_S16_BE: ah.fmt = BE_INT (3); break; case AFMT_S24_PACKED_BE: ah.fmt = BE_INT (4); break; case AFMT_S32_BE: ah.fmt = BE_INT (5); break; case AFMT_A_LAW: ah.fmt = BE_INT (27); break; default: print_msg (ERRORM, "%s sample format not supported by AU writer!\n", sample_format_name (format)); return E_FORMAT_UNSUPPORTED; } ah.speed = BE_INT (speed); ah.channels = BE_INT (channels); memcpy ((char *) &ah.comment, "Made by OSSRecord", 18); if (fwrite (&ah, sizeof (AuHeader), 1, wave_fp) == 0) return -1; } break; case AIFF_FILE: { AiffHeader afh; int bits = format2bits (format); uint32 i; if (datalimit > U32_MAX - sizeof(AiffHeader) + 8) print_msg (WARNM, "Data size exceeds file format limit!\n"); if ((datalimit == 0) || (datalimit > U32_MAX - sizeof(AiffHeader) + 8)) dl = U32_MAX - (U32_MAX % 2) - sizeof(AiffHeader) + 8; if (dl % 2) dl++; memcpy ((char *) &afh.main_chunk, "FORM", 4); afh.length = BE_INT (dl + sizeof (AiffHeader) - 8); memcpy ((char *) &afh.chunk_type, "AIFF", 4); memcpy ((char *) &afh.sub_chunk, "COMM", 4); afh.comm_len = BE_INT (18); afh.channels = BE_SH (channels); afh.num_frames = BE_INT (dl / bits); afh.bits = BE_SH (bits); switch (format) { case AFMT_U8: case AFMT_S16_BE: case AFMT_S24_PACKED_BE: case AFMT_S32_BE: break; default: print_msg (ERRORM, "%s sample format not supported by AIFF writer!\n", sample_format_name (format)); return E_FORMAT_UNSUPPORTED; } /* The method used here is good enough for sane values */ memset (afh.speed, 0, sizeof (afh.speed)); i = 0; while ((1L << (i + 1)) <= speed) i++; afh.speed[0] = 64; afh.speed[1] = i-1; i = (speed - (1 << i)) << (31-i); afh.speed[5] = i & 255; afh.speed[4] = (i >> 8) & 255; afh.speed[3] = (i >> 16) & 255; afh.speed[2] = ((i >> 24) & 127) + 128; memcpy ((char *) &afh.data_chunk, "SSND", 4); afh.data_length = BE_INT (dl); afh.offset = BE_SH (0); afh.blocksize = BE_SH (0); if (fwrite (&afh, sizeof (AiffHeader), 1, wave_fp) == 0) return E_ENCODE; } break; case RAW_FILE: default: return 0; } return 0; } int finalize_head (FILE * wave_fp, fctypes_t type, unsigned long long datalimit, int format, int channels, int speed) { if ((type == AIFF_FILE) && (datalimit % 2)) {
All chunks must have an even length in an AIFF file, so we have to add a pad byte in this case.
char flag = 0; datalimit++; fseek (wave_fp, 0, SEEK_END); if (fwrite (&flag , 1, 1, wave_fp) == 0) print_msg (WARNM, "Couldn't add padding byte to SSND chunk!\n"); } if ((type != RAW_FILE) && (fseek (wave_fp, 0, SEEK_SET) == -1)) return E_ENCODE; write_head (wave_fp, type, datalimit, format, channels, speed); return 0; }