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Copyright (C) 4Front Technologies, 2002-2004. Released in public domain.
This is an expanded version of the softsynth.c program (please take a look at the original program first). Also this program is more or less just an programming example that demontstrates how to implement "real-time" GUI controls in the simpliest possible way. While you can use this program as a program template, you may equally well start from the original one.
Like the original there is not much to learn about synthesis in this program the only design goal has been to demonstrate some additional OSS MIDI features and to work as a test bed for them.
The primary thing that has been done is replacing the original select() loop with a GTK (actually GDK) compatible mechanism (gdk_add_input and gtk_main). This is done in the main program.
There are few other added features that should be mentioned:
1) The "Enhance switch" that makes the sound slightly "different" by adding some harmonics of the original note frequency. The sound is just different (not necessarily better). This together with the "Mute" button demonstrates how to do real-time adjustment of the settings. 2) The "mute" button was added just to be able to check if the latencies are audible or not. 3) The new SNDCTL_SETNAME call is used to change the description of the MIDI device. In this way the user of the client program can select the right device much easier. 4) The SNDCTL_GETSONG call is used to obtain the song name given by the client (ossmplay does this using SNDCTL_SETSONG). 5) Some code has been added to handle the MIDI timer start (0xfa) and stop (0xfc) messages. WIth loopback devices these messages can be used to find out when the client closed/opened the device. However if the server starts in the middle of a song there will be no start message.
To use this program you will need to install the "4Front MIDI loopback" driver using the "Add new card/device" function of soundconf. Then start this program in background (the audio and MIDI device names can be given as command line arguments. For example
softsynth /dev/dsp /dev/midi01
You can find out the loopback MIDI device number by looking for the "MIDI loopback server side" devices using the ossinfo -m command. Btw, nothing prevents using any "real" physical MIDI port as the input.
When the synthesizer server is running you can play any MIDI file using some OSS based MIDI sequencer/player such as Bad xlink 'ossmplay'.
#include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <math.h> #include <sys/select.h> #include <sys/soundcard.h> #include <midiparser.h> midiparser_common_t *parser = NULL; int audio_fd; int midi_fd; int sample_rate = 48000; int new_song = 1; int enhanced_mode = 0; float main_vol = 1.0;
The open_audio_device routine opens the audio device and initializes it for the required mode. This code was borrowed directly from the singen.c sample program. However since the buffer size is inportant with this kind of application we have added a call that sets the fragment and buffer sizes.
static int open_audio_device (char *name, int mode) { int tmp, fd; if ((fd = open (name, mode, 0)) == -1) { perror (name); exit (-1); }
Setup the audio buffering policy so that reasonably small latencies can be obtained.
4 fragments of 256 samples (512 bytes) might be good. 256 samples will give timing granularity of 256/sample_rate seconds (5.33 msec) which is fairly adequate. The effect of the granularity (fragment size) in this type of applications is timing jitter (or choking). Every event that occurs withing the 5.33 msec period (fragment time) will get executed in the beginning of the next period. If the fragment size is decreased then the granularity will decrease too. However this will cause slight increase in the CPU consumption of the application.
The total buffer size (number_of_fragments*fragment_time) will define the maximum latency between the event (note on/off) and the actual change in the audio output. The average latency will be something like (number_of_fragments-0.5)*fragment_time). The theoretical average latency caused by this application is (4-0.5)*5.33 msec = ~19 msec).
In musical terms 5.33 msec granularity equals to 1/750 note at 60 bpm and 19 msecs equals to 1/214. This should be pretty adequate.
The latency can be decreased by limiting the number of fragments and/or the fragment size. However the after the buffer size drops close to the capabilities of the system (delays caused by the other applications) the audio output will start breaking. This can cured only by tuning the hardware and the software environments (tuning some kernel parameters and by killing all the other applications). However this is in no way an OSS issue.
With these parameters it was possible to compile Linux kernel in another terminal window without any hiccup (fairly entry level 2.4 GHz P4 system running Linux 2.6.x).
tmp = 0x00040009; if (ioctl (fd, SNDCTL_DSP_SETFRAGMENT, &tmp) == -1) { perror ("SNDCTL_DSP_SETFRAGMENT"); }
Setup the device. Note that it's important to set the sample format, number of channels and sample rate exactly in this order. Some devices depend on the order.
Set the sample format
tmp = AFMT_S16_NE; /* Native 16 bits */ if (ioctl (fd, SNDCTL_DSP_SETFMT, &tmp) == -1) { perror ("SNDCTL_DSP_SETFMT"); exit (-1); } if (tmp != AFMT_S16_NE) { fprintf (stderr, "The device doesn't support the 16 bit sample format.\n"); exit (-1); }
Set the number of channels (mono)
tmp = 1; if (ioctl (fd, SNDCTL_DSP_CHANNELS, &tmp) == -1) { perror ("SNDCTL_DSP_CHANNELS"); exit (-1); } if (tmp != 1) { fprintf (stderr, "The device doesn't support mono mode.\n"); exit (-1); }
Set the sample rate
sample_rate = 48000; if (ioctl (fd, SNDCTL_DSP_SPEED, &sample_rate) == -1) { perror ("SNDCTL_DSP_SPEED"); exit (-1); }
No need for rate checking because we will automatically adjust the signal based on the actual sample rate. However most application must check the value of sample_rate and compare it to the requested rate.
Small differences between the rates (10% or less) are normal and the applications should usually tolerate them. However larger differences may cause annoying pitch problems (Mickey Mouse).
return fd; } static int open_midi_device (char *name, int mode) { int tmp, fd;
This is pretty much all we nbeed.
if ((fd = open (name, mode, 0)) == -1) { perror (name); exit (-1); } return fd; }
#include <gtk/gtk.h> GtkWidget *main_window, *song_name, *time_code; static void close_all (GtkWidget * window, gpointer data) { gtk_main_quit (); exit (-1); }
toggle_enhance() gets called when the "Enhance" button is hit. It just changes the state of the enhanced_mode flag which is used by the note_on() routine. This setting affects only the notes to be started after the change. It doesn't affect any of the currently playing voices.
static void toggle_enhance (GtkWidget * window, gpointer data) { enhanced_mode = !enhanced_mode; /* ON <-> OFF */ }
toggle_mute() handles the "Mute" button. The change will take effect at the moment when the next audio block to be computed starts playing on the device. So this button can be used to check how long the total latencies are (including any delays caused by device level FIFOs).
static void toggle_mute (GtkWidget * window, gpointer data) { if (main_vol > 0) main_vol = 0.0; else main_vol = 1.0; } static void update_song_name (void) { oss_longname_t name; char tmp[256];
Get the song name from the client and update the label. Notice that SNDCTL_GETSONG will return error (EINVAL) if the device doesn't support song names. This is not an error. It simple means that no song information is available. The song name may also be an empty string if the client has not registered any song name. Also this is perfectly normal.
The difference between EINVAL and an empty string (if it matters) is that EINVAL means that the device will not return this info later (the application may stop polling for it).
if (ioctl (midi_fd, SNDCTL_GETSONG, name) != -1) { if (*name == 0) strcpy (name, "Unknown song"); sprintf (tmp, "Song: %s", name); gtk_label_set (GTK_LABEL (song_name), tmp); /* Forward the song name to the audio device too */ ioctl (audio_fd, SNDCTL_SETSONG, name); } new_song = 0; }
The create_user_interface() routine is pretty much a standard GUI initialization for any GTK based application. Not important for the logic of this program. We just create some buttons and one label and assign the callbacks to handle them.
static void create_user_interface (void) { GtkWidget *button, *vbox; main_window = gtk_window_new (GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL); gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (main_window), "destroy", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (close_all), NULL); vbox = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 0); gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (main_window), vbox); song_name = gtk_label_new ("Song: Unknown song"); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), song_name, FALSE, FALSE, 0); gtk_widget_show (song_name); time_code = gtk_label_new ("Song: Unknown song"); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), time_code, FALSE, FALSE, 0); gtk_widget_show (time_code); update_song_name (); button = gtk_check_button_new_with_label ("Mute"); gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (button), "clicked", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (toggle_mute), NULL); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), button, FALSE, FALSE, 0); gtk_widget_show (button); button = gtk_check_button_new_with_label ("Enhance"); gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (button), "clicked", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (toggle_enhance), NULL); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), button, FALSE, FALSE, 0); gtk_widget_show (button); button = gtk_button_new_with_label ("Exit"); gtk_signal_connect (GTK_OBJECT (button), "clicked", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC (close_all), NULL); gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (vbox), button, FALSE, FALSE, 0); gtk_widget_show (button); gtk_widget_show (vbox); gtk_widget_show (main_window); }
#define MAX_VOICES 256 typedef struct { int active; /* ON/OFF */ int chn, note, velocity; /* MIDI note parameters */ float phase, step; /* Sine frequency generator */ float volume; /* Note volume */ float envelope, envelopestep; /* Envelope generator */ int envelopedir; /* 0=fixed level, 1=attack, -1=decay */ } voice_t; static voice_t voices[MAX_VOICES] = { 0 }; static int note_to_freq (int note_num) {
This routine converts a midi note to a frequency (multiplied by 1000) Notice! This routine was copied from the OSS sequencer code.
int note, octave, note_freq; static int notes[] = { 261632, 277189, 293671, 311132, 329632, 349232, 369998, 391998, 415306, 440000, 466162, 493880 }; #define BASE_OCTAVE 5 octave = note_num / 12; note = note_num % 12; note_freq = notes[note]; if (octave < BASE_OCTAVE) note_freq >>= (BASE_OCTAVE - octave); else if (octave > BASE_OCTAVE) note_freq <<= (octave - BASE_OCTAVE); return note_freq; }
fork_voice() creates another instance of a voice (just like the fork system call does). It's possible to change the pitch and volume by setting the freq_ratio and vol_scale parameters to values below 1.0.
static void fork_voice (voice_t * orig, float freq_ratio, float vol_scale) { int i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_VOICES; i++) if (!voices[i].active) { voice_t *v = &voices[i]; memcpy (v, orig, sizeof (voice_t)); v->step /= freq_ratio; v->volume *= vol_scale; return; } }
The note_on() routine initializes a voice with the right frequency, volume and envelope parameters.
static void note_on (int ch, int note, int velocity) { int i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_VOICES; i++) if (!voices[i].active) { voice_t *v = &voices[i]; int freq; float step;
Record the MIDI note on message parameters (just in case)
v->chn = ch; v->note = note; v->velocity = velocity;
Convert the note number to the actual frequency (multiplied by 1000). Then compute the step to be added to the phase angle to get the right frequency.
freq = note_to_freq (note); step = 1000.0 * (float) sample_rate / (float) freq; /* Samples/cycle */ v->step = 2.0 * M_PI / step; if (v->step > M_PI) /* Nyqvist was here */ return; v->phase = 0.0;
Compute the note volume based on the velocity. Use linear scale which maps velocity=0 to the 25% volume level. Proper synthesizers will use more advanced methods (such as logarithmic scales) but this is good for our purposes.
v->volume = 0.25 + ((float) velocity / 127.0) * 0.75;
Initialize the envelope engine to start from zero level and to add some fixed amount to the envelope level after each sample.
v->envelope = 0.0; v->envelopedir = 1; v->envelopestep = 0.01;
Fire the voice. However nothing will happen before the next audio period (fragment) gets computed. This means that all the voices started during the ending period will be rounded to start at the same moment.
v->active = 1; if (enhanced_mode) {
Stupid test that adds some harmonic frequencies. This makes the output to sound bolder. This algorithm is called additive synthesis. However this program is not the best possible one for learning that technique.
fork_voice (v, 1.001, 0.9); /* Add some beating */ fork_voice (v, 2.0, 0.1); fork_voice (v, 3.0, 0.2); fork_voice (v, 4.0, 0.02); fork_voice (v, 6.0, 0.01); fork_voice (v, 8.0, 0.01); } break; } }
The note_off() routine finds all the voices that have matching channel and note numbers. Then it starts the envelope decay phase (10 times slower than the attack phase.
static void note_off (int ch, int note, int velocity) { int i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_VOICES; i++) if (voices[i].active && voices[i].chn == ch) if (voices[i].note = note) { voice_t *v = &voices[i]; v->envelopedir = -1; v->envelopestep = -0.001; } }
all_notes_off() is a version of note_off() that checks only the channel number. Used for the All Notes Off MIDI controller (123).
static void all_notes_off (int ch) { int i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_VOICES; i++) if (voices[i].active && voices[i].chn == ch) { voice_t *v = &voices[i]; v->envelopedir = -1; v->envelopestep = -0.01; } }
all_voices_off() mutes all voices immediately.
static void all_voices_off (int ch) { int i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_VOICES; i++) if (voices[i].active && voices[i].chn == ch) { voice_t *v = &voices[i]; v->active = 0; } }
Compute voice computes few samples (nloops) and sums them to the buffer (that contains the sum of all previously computed voices).
In real world applications it may be necessary to convert this routine to use floating point buffers (-1.0 to 1.0 range) and do the conversion to fixed point only in the final output stage. Another change you may want to do is using multiple output buffers (for stereo or multiple channels) instead of the current mono scheme.
For clarity reasons we have not done that.
static void compute_voice (voice_t * v, short *buf, int nloops) { int i; for (i = 0; i < nloops; i++) { float val;
First compute the sine wave (-1.0 to 1.0) and scale it to the right level. Finally sum the sample with the earlier voices in the buffer.
val = sin (v->phase) * 1024.0 * v->envelope * v->volume * main_vol; buf[i] += (short) val;
Increase the phase angle for the next sample.
v->phase += v->step;
Handle envelope attack or decay
switch (v->envelopedir) { case 1: v->envelope += v->envelopestep; if (v->envelope >= 1.0) /* Full level ? */ { v->envelope = 1.0; v->envelopestep = 0.0; v->envelopedir = 0; } break; case -1: v->envelope += v->envelopestep; if (v->envelope <= 0.0) /* Decay done */ { v->envelope = 0.0; v->envelopestep = 0.0; v->envelopedir = 0; v->active = 0; /* Shut up */ } break; } } }
The midi_callback() function is called by the midi parser library when a complete MIDI message is seen in the input. The MIDI message number (lowest 4 bits usually set to zero), the channel (0-15), as well as the remaining bytes will be passed in the parameters.
The MIDI parser library will handle oddities (like running status or use of note on with velocity of 0 as note off) so the application doesn't need to care about such nasty things.
Note that the MIDI percussion channel 10 (9 as passed in the ch parameter) will be ignored. All other MIDI messages other than note on, note off and the "all notes off" controller are simply ignored.
Macros like MIDI_NOTEON and MIDI_NOTEOFF are defined in soundcard.h.
static void midi_callback (void *context, int category, unsigned char msg, unsigned char ch, unsigned char *parms, int len) { switch (msg) { case MIDI_NOTEON: if (new_song) update_song_name (); if (ch != 9) /* Avoid percussions */ note_on (ch, parms[0], parms[1]); break; case MIDI_NOTEOFF: if (ch != 9) /* Avoid percussions */ note_off (ch, parms[0], parms[1]); break; case MIDI_CTL_CHANGE: if (parms[0] == 120) all_voices_off (ch); if (parms[0] == 123) all_notes_off (ch); break; case 0xfa: /* Start */
Note that the start message arrives at the moment when the client side of the loopback device is opened. At that moment the client has not updated the song name so we should not try to read it immediately. Instead we have to do it (for example) at the moment the first note is started.
new_song = 1; break; case 0xfc: /* Stop */
The stop message arrives after the client side of the loopback device has been closed. We will just re-draw the song name (to clear the display field on the screen).
update_song_name (); break; } }
The handle_midi_input() routine reads all the MIDI input bytes that have been received by OSS since the last read. Note that this read will not block.
Finally the received buffer is sent to the midi parser library which in turn calls midi_callback (see above) to handle the actual events.
static void handle_midi_input (gpointer data, gint source, GdkInputCondition cond) { unsigned char buffer[256]; int l, i; if ((l = read (midi_fd, buffer, sizeof (buffer))) == -1) { perror ("MIDI read"); exit (-1); } if (l > 0) midiparser_input_buf (parser, buffer, l); }
handle_audio_output() computes a new block of audio and writes it to the audio device. As you see there is no checking for blocking or available buffer space because it's simply not necessary with OSS 4.0 any more. If there is any blocking then the time below our "tolerances".
static void handle_audio_output (gpointer data, gint source, GdkInputCondition cond) {
Ideally the buffer size equals to the fragment size (in samples). Using different sizes is not a big mistake but the granularity is defined by the buffer size or the fragment size (depending on which one is larger),
short buf[256]; int i; memset (buf, 0, sizeof (buf)); /* Loop all the active voices */ for (i = 0; i < MAX_VOICES; i++) if (voices[i].active) compute_voice (&voices[i], buf, sizeof (buf) / sizeof (*buf)); if (write (audio_fd, buf, sizeof (buf)) == -1) { perror ("Audio write"); exit (-1); } }
The mtc_callback() routine updates the SMTPE/MTC time display on the screen. The quarter frames (qframes) field is not shown.
static void mtc_callback (void *context, oss_mtc_data_t * mtc) { char tmp[64]; if (mtc->qframes != 0) return; sprintf (tmp, "%02d:%02d:%02d.%02d\n", mtc->hours, mtc->minutes, mtc->seconds, mtc->frames); gtk_label_set (GTK_LABEL (time_code), tmp); }
Finally the main program
int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { fd_set readfds, writefds;
Use /dev/dsp as the default device because the system administrator may select the device using the Bad xlink 'ossctl' program or some other methods
char *audiodev_name; char *mididev_name; int tmp;
It's recommended to provide some method for selecting some other device than the default. We use command line argument but in some cases an environment variable or some configuration file setting may be better.
if (argc != 3) { fprintf (stderr, "Usage: %s audio_device midi_device\n", argv[0]); exit (-1); } audiodev_name = argv[1]; mididev_name = argv[2];
It's mandatory to use O_WRONLY in programs that do only playback. Other modes may cause increased resource (memory) usage in the driver. It may also prevent other applications from using the same device for recording at the same time.
audio_fd = open_audio_device (audiodev_name, O_WRONLY);
Open the MIDI device for read access (only).
midi_fd = open_midi_device (mididev_name, O_RDONLY);
Request input of MTC time (25 FPS). This is just for fun.
tmp = 25; ioctl (midi_fd, SNDCTL_MIDI_MTCINPUT, &tmp);
Report the server name to the client side. This name will be reported by applications that check the device names. It will also be shown in /dev/sndstat
SNDCTL_SETNAME is a new ioctl call in OSS 4.0. It doesn't make any sense to do error checking with it.
ioctl (midi_fd, SNDCTL_SETNAME, "OSS user land synth demo");
Init the MIDI input parser (from OSSlib)
if ((parser = midiparser_create (midi_callback, NULL)) == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "Creating a MIDI parser failed\n"); exit (-1); }
Register the MTC timecode handler
midiparser_mtc_callback (parser, mtc_callback);
Standard GTK+ initialization.
gtk_init (&argc, &argv); create_user_interface (); gdk_input_add (audio_fd, GDK_INPUT_WRITE, handle_audio_output, NULL); gdk_input_add (midi_fd, GDK_INPUT_READ, handle_midi_input, NULL); gtk_main ();
That's all folks!
This is pretty much all of it. This program can be easily improced by using some more advanced synthesis algorithm (wave table, sample playback, physical modelling or whatever else) and by interpreting all the MIDI messages. You can also add a nice GUI. You have complete freedom to modify this program and distribute it as your own work (under GPL, BSD proprietary or whatever license you can imagine) but only AS LONG AS YOU DON*T DO ANY STUPID CHANGES THAT BREAK THE RELIABILITY AND ROBUSTNESS.
The point is that regardless of what you do there is no need to touch the audio/MIDI device related parts. They are already "state of the art". So you can spend all your time to work on the "payload" code. What you can do is changing the compute_voice() and midi_callback() routines and everything called by them.
exit (0); }