
Open Sound System
The Hitchhiker's Guide to OSS 4.1 Internals

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Internal function osdev_create


oss_device_t *osdev_create (dev_info_t * dip, int dev_type, int instance, const char *nick, const char *handle);


Under construction.

Referenced by

include/oss_config.hThe top level header file for compiling OSS itself.
Linux/os_linux.hOS specific definitions for Linux
Linux/wrap.hWrapper routines for Linux kernel services
Linux/os_linux.cOperating system abstraction functions for Linux
VxWorks/os_vxworks.cSource file oss-current/kernel/OS/VxWorks/os_vxworks.c
VxWorks/os_vxworks.hOS specific definitions for VxWorks
VxWorks/module.incSource file oss-current/kernel/OS/VxWorks/
SunOS/os_solaris.cOperating system abstraction functions for Solaris
SunOS/os_solaris.hOS specific definitions for Solaris
SunOS/module.incOSS module wrapper for Solaris
BeOS/module.incOSS module wrapper for BeOS/Haiku
BeOS/os_beos.hOS specific definitions for BeOS/Haiku
BeOS/os_beos.cOperating system abstraction functions for BeOS/Haiku
FreeBSD/bsddefs.hDefinitions for routines and variables exported by osscore.c
FreeBSD/os_freebsd.cOperating system abstraction functions for FreeBSD
SCO_SV/os_sco.hOS specific definitions for SCO OpenServer and SCO UnixWare (DDI8)
SCO_SV/os_sco.cOperating system abstraction functions for SCO OpenServer/UnixWare
SCO_SV/module.incOSS module wrapper for SCO OpenServer/UnixWare
Linux/osscore.cLinux kernel version specific wrapper routines.
Linux/pci_wrapper.incPCI wrapper routines for Linux
Linux/module.incTemplate for OSS modules under Linux
Linux/usb_wrapper.incLow level USB wrapper routines for Linux (2.6.x and later)
FreeBSD/bsdvirtual.incWrapper functions for virtual drivers under FreeBSD
FreeBSD/bsdpci.incWrapper functions for PCI drivers under FreeBSD

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