
Open Sound System
The Hitchhiker's Guide to OSS 4.1 Internals

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OS specific definitions for Linux


#ifndef _OS_H_
#define _OS_H_

Under Linux os.h (this file) defines just the macros, functions and structures used by the code compiled in the development system. However there are other Linux specific definitions contained in Linux/wrap.h that are used both by the code compiled in the devlopment and target systems. This means that some definitions found in os.h under some other operating systems may be in wrap.h under Linux.

This file is part of Open Sound System.

Copyright (C) 4Front Technologies 1996-2008.

This this source file is released under GPL v2 license (no other versions). See the COPYING file included in the main directory of this source distribution for the license terms and conditions.

#define OS_VERSION "2.6.x"
#define __EXTENDED__

Debugging and misc settings

#undef  MEMDEBUG

#if (!defined(__i386__) && !defined(__x86_64__)) || defined(CONFIG_OSS_FIXDEPOINT)
// Floating point is not supported or it's disabled

Disable support for per-application features such as /dev/dsp device selection based on command name. Requires working GET_PROCESS_NAME macro implementation.

#define EXTERN_C

#define __invalid_size_argument_for_IOC 0	/* Dummy define to cure some broken ioctl.h versions */

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/signal.h>
#include <oss_errno.h>
#include <sys/file.h>
#include "oss_ddi.h"
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/fcntl.h>
#include <asm/poll.h>
#include "kernel/OS/Linux/wrapper/wrap.h"

#undef HZ
extern int oss_hz;
#define OSS_HZ oss_hz

/* The soundcard.h could be in a nonstandard place so include it here. */
#include "soundcard.h"

struct _oss_device_t
  int cardnum;
  int dev_type;
  int available;
  int instance;
  dev_info_t *dip;
  void *devc;
  char *name;
  char nick[16];
  char handle[32];
  int num_audio_engines;
  int num_audioplay, num_audiorec, num_audioduplex;
  int num_mididevs;
  int num_mixerdevs;
  int num_loopdevs;
  int first_mixer;	/* This must be set to -1 by osdev_create() */
  int major;
  struct module *owner;		/* Pointer to THISMODULE (needed by osscore.c) */
  char modname[32];
  char *hw_info;

  volatile int refcount;	/* Nonzero means that the device is needed by some other (virtual) driver. */

/* Interrupts */

  ddi_iblock_cookie_t iblock_cookie;	/* Dummy field under Linux */
  void *irqparms;
  int intrcount, ackcount;

/* PCI related fields */

#ifdef _KERNEL
  ddi_acc_handle_t pci_config_handle;
  ddi_acc_handle_t acc_handle;

#define SEL_IN		0
#define SEL_OUT		1
#define SEL_EX		0xffffffff

/* Busy wait routine */
#define oss_udelay drv_usecwait
/* System wall timer access */
#define GET_JIFFIES()	oss_get_jiffies()

extern inline unsigned int
__inb (unsigned short port)
  unsigned int _v;
  __asm__ __volatile__ ("in" "b" " %" "w" "1,%" "b" "0":"=a" (_v):"d" (port),
			"0" (0));
  return _v;
extern inline unsigned int
__inw (unsigned short port)
  unsigned int _v;
  __asm__ __volatile__ ("in" "w" " %" "w" "1,%" "w" "0":"=a" (_v):"d" (port),
			"0" (0));
  return _v;
extern inline unsigned int
__inl (unsigned short port)
  unsigned int _v;
  __asm__ __volatile__ ("in" "l" " %" "w" "1,%" "" "0":"=a" (_v):"d" (port));
  return _v;

extern inline void
__outb (unsigned char value, unsigned short port)
  __asm__ __volatile__ ("out" "b" " %" "b" "0,%" "w" "1"::"a" (value),
			"d" (port));
extern inline void
__outw (unsigned short value, unsigned short port)
  __asm__ __volatile__ ("out" "w" " %" "w" "0,%" "w" "1"::"a" (value),
			"d" (port));
extern inline void
__outl (unsigned int value, unsigned short port)
  __asm__ __volatile__ ("out" "l" " %" "0,%" "w" "1"::"a" (value),
			"d" (port));

#define INB(osdev,a)	__inb(a)
#define INW(osdev,a)	__inw(a)
#define INL(osdev,a)	__inl(a)

#define OUTB(osdev, d, a) __outb(d, a)

#define OUTW(osdev, d, a)	__outw(d, a)
#define OUTL(osdev, d, a)	__outl(d, a)

#define PCI_READL(osdev, p)  (*(volatile unsigned int *) (p))
#define PCI_WRITEL(osdev, addr, data) (*(volatile unsigned int *) (addr) = (data))
#define PCI_READW(osdev, p)  (*(volatile unsigned short *) (p))
#define PCI_WRITEW(osdev, addr, data) (*(volatile unsigned short *) (addr) = (data))
#define PCI_READB(osdev, p)  (*(volatile unsigned char *) (p))
#define PCI_WRITEB(osdev, addr, data) (*(volatile unsigned char *) (addr) = (data))

KERNEL_MALLOC() allocates requested number of memory and KERNEL_FREE is used to free it. These macros are never called from interrupt, in addition the nbytes will never be more than 4096 bytes. Generally the driver will allocate memory in blocks of 4k. If the kernel has just a page level memory allocation, 4K can be safely used as the size (the nbytes parameter can be ignored).

extern void *oss_kmem_alloc (size_t size, char *file, int line);
extern void oss_kmem_free (void *addr);
#define KERNEL_MALLOC(nbytes)	oss_kmem_alloc(nbytes, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define KERNEL_FREE(addr)	oss_kmem_free(addr)
extern void *oss_contig_malloc (oss_device_t * osdev, int sz,
				oss_uint64_t memlimit,
				oss_native_word * phaddr, char *file,
				int line);
extern void oss_contig_free (oss_device_t * osdev, void *p, int sz);
extern oss_native_word oss_virt_to_bus (void *addr);
#define CONTIG_MALLOC(osdev, sz, memlimit, phaddr, handle)	oss_contig_malloc(osdev, sz, memlimit, phaddr, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define CONTIG_FREE(osdev, p, sz, handle)	oss_contig_free(osdev, p, sz)
#define KERNEL_MALLOC(nbytes)	oss_kmem_alloc(nbytes)
#define KERNEL_FREE(addr)	oss_kmem_free(addr)
#define CONTIG_MALLOC(osdev, sz, memlimit, phaddr, handle)	oss_contig_malloc(osdev, sz, memlimit, phaddr)
#define CONTIG_FREE(osdev, p, sz, handle)	oss_contig_free(osdev, p, sz)

Timer macros

These macros are obsolete and should not be used in any new code. Use the timeout mechanism (see the timeout(9F) Solaris man page).

#define DEFINE_TIMER(name, proc)	static timeout_id_t name = 0
#define REMOVE_TIMER(name, proc)	{if (name != 0) oss_untimeout(name);}
#define INIT_TIMER(name,proc)
typedef void (*timeout_func_t) (void *);
#define ACTIVATE_TIMER(name, proc, time) \
	name=oss_timeout((timeout_func_t)proc, (void*)&name, time)


#define OSS_OS "Linux"
#define OSS_OS_LONGNAME "Linux"


int get_dma_residue (int chn);
void disable_dma (int chn);
void enable_dma (int chn);

typedef void (*softintr_func_t) (int);

struct oss_softintr
  int id;
  softintr_func_t func;
  volatile int armed, running;

#define MUTEX_INIT(osdev, mutex, hier) mutex=oss_mutex_init()
#define MUTEX_CLEANUP(mutex) {oss_mutex_cleanup(mutex);mutex=NULL;}
#define MUTEX_ENTER_IRQDISABLE(mutex, flags) flags=0;oss_spin_lock_irqsave(mutex, &flags)
#define MUTEX_EXIT_IRQRESTORE(mutex, flags) oss_spin_unlock_irqrestore(mutex, flags);(flags)++
#define MUTEX_ENTER(mutex, flags) flags=0;oss_spin_lock(mutex)
#define MUTEX_EXIT(mutex, flags) oss_spin_unlock(mutex);(flags)++

extern int detect_trace;
#define DDB(x) if (detect_trace) x

#define MAP_PCI_IOADDR(osdev, nr, io) (oss_native_word)io
#define MAP_PCI_MEM(osdev, ix, phaddr, size) 	oss_map_pci_mem(osdev, size, phaddr)
#define UNMAP_PCI_MEM(osdev, ix, ph, virt, size)	oss_unmap_pci_mem(virt)
#define UNMAP_PCI_IOADDR(osdev, ix)	{}

#define GET_PROCESS_PID(x)  oss_get_pid()
#define GET_PROCESS_UID(x)  oss_get_uid()

#define GET_PROCESS_NAME(x) oss_get_procname()

#define pci_read_config_irq oss_pci_read_config_irq
#define pci_read_config_byte oss_pci_read_config_byte
#define pci_read_config_word oss_pci_read_config_word
#define pci_read_config_dword oss_pci_read_config_dword
#define pci_write_config_byte oss_pci_write_config_byte
#define pci_write_config_word oss_pci_write_config_word
#define pci_write_config_dword oss_pci_write_config_dword
#define pci_enable_msi oss_pci_enable_msi

#define VM_READ         0x1
#define VM_WRITE        0x2

#define FP_SUPPORT

typedef short fp_env_t[512];
typedef unsigned int fp_flags_t[4];
extern int oss_fp_check (void);
extern void oss_fp_save (short *envbuf, fp_flags_t flags);
extern void oss_fp_restore (short *envbuf, fp_flags_t flags);
#   define FP_SAVE(envbuf, flags)		oss_fp_save(envbuf, flags)
#   define FP_RESTORE(envbuf, flags)		oss_fp_restore(envbuf, flags)

#include "oss_pci.h"

Copyright (C) 4Front Technologies, 2007. All rights reserved.

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