
Open Sound System
The Hitchhiker's Guide to OSS 4.1 Internals

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Definitions for routines and variables exported by osscore.c


Do not make any modifications to these settings because OSS core modules have been compiled against them. Full rebuild of OSS will be required if this file is changed.

This file is part of Open Sound System.

Copyright (C) 4Front Technologies 1996-2008.

This this source file is released under GPL v2 license (no other versions). See the COPYING file included in the main directory of this source distribution for the license terms and conditions.

#include <sys/types.h>
#if 0 /* __FreeBSD_version >= 700031 */

#define USE_SX_LOCK	1
#if __FreeBSD_version >= 700111
extern int oss_file_set_private (struct thread *p, void *v, size_t l);
extern int oss_file_get_private (void **v);
extern int oss_get_uid (void);

typedef struct device dev_info_t;
typedef long long oss_int64_t;			/* Signed 64 bit integer */
typedef unsigned long long oss_uint64_t;	/* Unsigned 64 bit integer */
typedef unsigned long offset_t;

Some integer types

#if defined(__amd64__)
typedef unsigned long long oss_native_word;	/* Same as the address and status register size */
typedef unsigned long oss_native_word;	/* Same as the address and status register size */

struct _oss_device_t
  int cardnum;
  int dev_type;
  int instance;
  int available;
  dev_info_t *dip;
  void *osid;
  void *devc;
  char *name;
  char *hw_info;
  int major;
  char nick[16];
  char modname[16];
  char handle[32];
  int num_audio_engines;
  int num_audioplay, num_audiorec, num_audioduplex;
  int num_mididevs;
  int num_mixerdevs;
  int num_loopdevs;
  int first_mixer;	/* This must be set to -1 by osdev_create() */

  int intrcount;
  int ackcount;
  volatile int refcount;	/* Nonzero means that the device is needed by some other (virtual) driver. */


extern void cmn_err (int level, char *format, ...);
#define CE_CONT		0
#define CE_NOTE		1
#define CE_WARN		2
#define CE_PANIC	3

#ifdef USE_SX_LOCK
typedef struct sx *oss_mutex_t;
typedef struct mtx *oss_mutex_t;

typedef int ddi_iblock_cookie_t;

extern void oss_udelay (unsigned long t);

#ifdef _KERNEL
#define memset oss_memset
extern void *oss_memset (void *t, int val, int l);

extern oss_device_t *osdev_create (dev_info_t * dip, int dev_type,
				   int instance, const char *nick,
				   const char *handle);
extern void osdev_delete (oss_device_t * osdev);

extern char *oss_pci_read_devpath (dev_info_t * dip);
extern int pci_read_config_byte (oss_device_t * osdev, offset_t where,
				 unsigned char *val);
extern int pci_read_config_irq (oss_device_t * osdev, offset_t where,
				unsigned char *val);
extern int pci_read_config_word (oss_device_t * osdev, offset_t where,
				 unsigned short *val);
extern int pci_read_config_dword (oss_device_t * osdev, offset_t where,
				  unsigned int *val);
extern int pci_write_config_byte (oss_device_t * osdev, offset_t where,
				  unsigned char val);
extern int pci_write_config_word (oss_device_t * osdev, offset_t where,
				  unsigned short val);
extern int pci_write_config_dword (oss_device_t * osdev, offset_t where,
				   unsigned int val);
#ifndef OSS_CONFIG_H
/* These definitions must match with oss_config.h */
typedef int (*oss_tophalf_handler_t) (struct _oss_device_t * osdev);
typedef void (*oss_bottomhalf_handler_t) (struct _oss_device_t * osdev);

extern int oss_register_interrupts (oss_device_t * osdev, int intrnum,
				    oss_tophalf_handler_t top,
				    oss_bottomhalf_handler_t bottom);
extern void oss_unregister_interrupts (oss_device_t * osdev);

extern void *oss_contig_malloc (unsigned long sz, unsigned long memlimit,
				oss_native_word * phaddr);
extern void oss_contig_free (void *p, unsigned long sz);

extern void oss_register_module (char *name);
extern void oss_unregister_module (char *name);
extern void *oss_find_minor_info (int dev_class, int instance);
extern int oss_find_minor (int dev_class, int instance);
extern void oss_inc_intrcount (oss_device_t * osdev, int claimed);

#define FP_SUPPORT

typedef short fp_env_t[512];
typedef unsigned int fp_flags_t[4];
extern int oss_fp_check (void);
extern void oss_fp_save (short *envbuf, fp_flags_t flags);
extern void oss_fp_restore (short *envbuf, fp_flags_t flags);
#   define FP_SAVE(envbuf, flags)		oss_fp_save(envbuf, flags)
#   define FP_RESTORE(envbuf, flags)		oss_fp_restore(envbuf, flags)

Copyright (C) 4Front Technologies, 2007. All rights reserved.

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Copyright (C) 4Front Technologies, 2007. All rights reserved.
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