
Open Sound System
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Global definitions for the SB Live/Audigy driver


This file is part of Open Sound System.

Copyright (C) 4Front Technologies 1996-2008.

This this source file is released under GPL v2 license (no other versions). See the COPYING file included in the main directory of this source distribution for the license terms and conditions.

#ifndef USERLAND
#include "uart401.h"

#define EMU10K1_MAGIC		0xe10001
#define EMU10K2_MAGIC		0xe10002

/* Audio */

#if defined(OSR5) || defined(__bsdi__)
#define MAX_ADEV        2
#define MAX_ADEV			32	/* How many devices */

#define DMABUF_SIZE		(64*1024)	/* Maximum DMA buffer size supported */
#define AUDIO_MEMSIZE		(MAX_ADEV*DMABUF_SIZE+4096)	/* Audio buffer + silent page */

/* Synth */
#define MAX_PATCH			256
#define MAX_SAMPLE			512
#define MAX_VOICE 			64


/* Synth memory allocation */
#define SBLIVE_MEMBLOCK_SIZE	(128*1024)	/* Default synth mem alloc chunk size */
#define MIN_BLOCK_SIZE			(8*1024)
#define SBLIVE_MAX_MEMBLOCKS	1024	/* Max number of mem chunks to allocate */

/* Hardware config register */

#define HCFG_CODECFORMAT_MASK	0x00070000	/* CODEC format */
#define HCFG_CODECFORMAT_AC97	0x00000000	/* AC97 CODEC format -- Primary Output */
#define HCFG_CODECFORMAT_I2S	0x00010000	/* I2S CODEC format -- Secondary (Rear) Output  */
#define HCFG_GPINPUT0		0x00004000	/* External pin112 */
#define HCFG_GPINPUT1		0x00002000	/* External pin110 */
#define HCFG_GPOUTPUT_MASK	0x00001c00	/* External pins which may be controlled */
#define HCFG_GPOUT0		0x00001000	/* set to enable digital out on 5.1 cards */
#define HCFG_GPOUT1             0x00000800	/* IR */
#define HCFG_GPOUT2             0x00000400	/* IR */
#define HCFG_JOYENABLE      	0x00000200	/* Internal joystick enable */
#define HCFG_PHASETRACKENABLE	0x00000100	/* Phase tracking enable */
						/* 1 = Force all 3 async digital inputs to use  */
						/* the same async sample rate tracker (ZVIDEO)  */
#define HCFG_AC3ENABLE_MASK	0x0x0000e0	/* AC3 async input control - Not implemented    */
#define HCFG_AC3ENABLE_ZVIDEO	0x00000080	/* Channels 0 and 1 replace ZVIDEO              */
#define HCFG_AC3ENABLE_CDSPDIF	0x00000040	/* Channels 0 and 1 replace CDSPDIF             */
#define HCFG_AC3ENABLE_GPSPDIF  0x00000020	/* Channels 0 and 1 replace GPSPDIF             */
#define HCFG_AUTOMUTE		0x00000010	/* When set, the async sample rate convertors   */
						/* will automatically mute their output when    */
						/* they are not rate-locked to the external     */
						/* async audio source                           */
#define HCFG_LOCKSOUNDCACHE	0x00000008	/* 1 = Cancel bustmaster accesses to soundcache */
						/* NOTE: This should generally never be used.   */
#define HCFG_LOCKTANKCACHE_MASK	0x00000004	/* 1 = Cancel bustmaster accesses to tankcache  */
						/* NOTE: This should generally never be used.   */
#define HCFG_LOCKTANKCACHE	0x01020014
#define HCFG_MUTEBUTTONENABLE	0x00000002	/* 1 = Master mute button sets AUDIOENABLE = 0. */
						/* NOTE: This is a 'cheap' way to implement a   */
						/* master mute function on the mute button, and */
						/* in general should not be used unless a more  */
						/* sophisticated master mute function has not   */
						/* been written.                                */
#define HCFG_AUDIOENABLE	0x00000001	/* 0 = CODECs transmit zero-valued samples      */
						/* Should be set to 1 when the EMU10K1 is       */
						/* completely initialized.                      */
#define A_HCFG_VMUTE		0x00004000
#define A_HCFG_AUTOMUTE		0x00008000
#define A_HCFG_XM		0x00040000	/* Xtended address mode */

GPIO bit definitions (global register 0x18) for Audigy.

#define A_IOCFG_GPOUT0          0x0044	/* analog/digital? */
#define A_IOCFG_GPOUT1          0x0002	/* IR */
#define A_IOCFG_GPOUT2          0x0001	/* IR */

/* Status bits (read only) */
#define GPIO_VERSAPLUGGED	0x2000	/* Center/LFE/digital */
#define GPIO_FRONTPLUGGED	0x4000
#define GPIO_REARPLUGGED	0x8000
#define GPIO_ANALOG_MUTE	0x0040
#define GPIO_DIGITAL_ENABLE	0x0004	/* Center/lfe (0) or digital (1) switch */

#define FILL_PAGE_MAP_ENTRY(e, v) devc->page_map[e] = LSWAP (((v) << devc->emu_page_shift) | (e));

Audio block registers

#define CPF		0x000	/* DW:cnl   Current pitch and fraction */
#define CPF_CURRENTPITCH_MASK   0xffff0000	/* Current pitch (linear, 0x4000 == unity pitch shift)  */
#define CPF_CURRENTPITCH        0x10100000
#define CPF_STEREO_MASK         0x00008000	/* 1 = Even channel interleave, odd channel locked      */
#define CPF_STOP_MASK           0x00004000	/* 1 = Current pitch forced to 0                        */
#define CPF_FRACADDRESS_MASK    0x00003fff	/* Linear fractional address of the current channel     */

#define PTAB		0x001	/* DW:cnl   Pitch target and sends A and B */
#define PTRX_PITCHTARGET_MASK   0xffff0000	/* Pitch target of specified channel                    */
#define PTRX_PITCHTARGET        0x10100001
#define PTRX_FXSENDAMOUNT_A_MASK 0x0000ff00	/* Linear level of channel output sent to FX send bus A */
#define PTRX_FXSENDAMOUNT_A     0x08080001
#define PTRX_FXSENDAMOUNT_B_MASK 0x000000ff	/* Linear level of channel output sent to FX send bus B */
#define PTRX_FXSENDAMOUNT_B     0x08000001

#define CVCF		0x002	/* DW:cnl   Curr vol and curr filter cutoff */
#define VTFT		0x003	/* DW:cnl   Volume tgt and filter cutoff tgt */
#define Z2		0x004	/* DW:cnl   Filter delay memory 2 */
#define Z1		0x005	/* DW:cnl   Filter delay memory 1 */
#define SCSA		0x006	/* DW:cnl   Send C and Start addr */
#define SDL		0x007	/* DW:cnl   Send D and Loop addr */
#define QKBCA		0x008	/* DW:cnl   Filter Q, ROM, etc */
#undef CCR
#define CCR		0x009
#define CCR_CACHEINVALIDSIZE    0x07190009
#define CCR_CACHEINVALIDSIZE_MASK       0xfe000000	/* Number of invalid samples cache for this channel     */
#define CCR_CACHELOOPFLAG       0x01000000	/* 1 = Cache has a loop service pending                 */
#define CCR_INTERLEAVEDSAMPLES  0x00800000	/* 1 = A cache service will fetch interleaved samples   */
#define CCR_WORDSIZEDSAMPLES    0x00400000	/* 1 = A cache service will fetch word sized samples    */
#define CCR_READADDRESS         0x06100009
#define CCR_READADDRESS_MASK    0x003f0000	/* Location of cache just beyond current cache service  */
#define CCR_LOOPINVALSIZE       0x0000fe00	/* Number of invalid samples in cache prior to loop     */
						/* NOTE: This is valid only if CACHELOOPFLAG is set     */
#define CCR_LOOPFLAG            0x00000100	/* Set for a single sample period when a loop occurs    */
#define CCR_CACHELOOPADDRHI     0x000000ff	/* DSL_LOOPSTARTADDR's hi byte if CACHELOOPFLAG is set  */

#define CLP		0x00a
#define SRHE		0x07c
#define STHE		0x07d
#define SRDA		0x07e
#define STDA		0x07f
#define L_FXRT		0x00b
#define FXRT		((devc->feature_mask&SB_AUDIGY)? 0x7d:0x00b)	/* W:cnl */
#define MAPA		0x00c
#define MAPB		0x00d
#define VEV		0x010	/* W:cnl */
#define VEHA		0x011	/* W:cnl */
#define VEDS		0x012	/* W:cnl */
#define MLV		0x013	/* W:cnl */
#define MEV		0x014	/* W:cnl */
#define MEHA		0x015	/* W:cnl */
#define MEDS		0x016	/* W:cnl */
#define VLV		0x017	/* W:cnl */
#define IP		0x018	/* W:cnl */
#define IFA		0x019	/* W:cnl */
#define PEFE		0x01a	/* W:cnl */
#define PEFE_PITCHAMOUNT_MASK   0x0000ff00	/* Pitch envlope amount */
#define PEFE_PITCHAMOUNT        0x0808001a
#define PEFE_FILTERAMOUNT_MASK  0x000000ff	/* Filter envlope amount */
#define PEFE_FILTERAMOUNT       0x0800001a

#define VFM		0x01b	/* W:cnl */
#define TMFQ		0x01c	/* W:cnl */
#define VVFQ		0x01d	/* W:cnl */
#define TMPE		0x01e	/* W:cnl */
#define CD0		0x020	/* DW:cnl (16 registers) */
#define PTBA		0x040	/* DW:nocnl */
#define TCBA		0x041	/* DW:nocnl */
#define ADCSR		0x042	/* B:nocnl */
#define FXWC		0x043	/* DW:nocnl */
#define TCBS		0x044	/* B:nocnl */
#define MBA		0x045	/* DW:nocnl */
#define ADCBA		0x046	/* DW:nocnl */
#define FXBA		0x047	/* DW:nocnl */

#define MBS		0x049	/* B:nocnl */
#define ADCBS		0x04a	/* B:nocnl */
#define FXBS		0x04b	/* B:nocnl */
#define CSBA	0x4c
#define CSDC	0x4d
#define CSFE	0x4e
#define CSHG	0x4f
#define CDCS		0x050	/* DW:nocnl */
#define GPSCS		0x051	/* DW:nocnl */
#define DBG		0x052	/* DW:nocnl */
#define AUDIGY_DBG	0x053	/* DW:nocnl */
#define SCS0		0x054	/* DW:nocnl */
#define SCS1		0x055	/* DW:nocnl */
#define SCS2		0x056	/* DW:nocnl */
#define CLIEL		0x058	/* DW:nocnl */
#define CLIEH		0x059	/* DW:nocnl */
#define CLIPL		0x05a	/* DW:nocnl */
#define CLIPH		0x05b	/* DW:nocnl */
#define SOLL		0x05c	/* DW:nocnl */
#define SOLH		0x05d	/* DW:nocnl */
#define SOC		0x05e	/* DW:nocnl */
#define AC97SLOT	0x05f
#define AC97SLOT_REAR_RIGHT	0x01
#define AC97SLOT_REAR_LEFT	0x02
#define AC97SLOT_CENTER		0x10
#define AC97SLOT_LFE		0x20
#define CDSRCS		0x060	/* DW:nocnl */
#define GPSRCS		0x061	/* DW:nocnl */
#define ZVSRCS		0x062	/* DW:nocnl */
#define ADCIDX		0x063	/* W:nocnl */
#define MIDX		0x064	/* W:nocnl */
#define FXIDX		0x065	/* W:nocnl */

/* Half loop interrupt registers (audigy only) */
#define HLIEL		0x066	/* DW:nocnl */
#define HLIEH		0x067	/* DW:nocnl */
#define HLIPL		0x068	/* DW:nocnl */
#define HLIPH		0x069	/* DW:nocnl */
#define GPR0		((devc->feature_mask&SB_LIVE)? 0x100:0x400)	/* DW:nocnl */
#define TMA0		0x300	/* Tank memory */
#define UC0		((devc->feature_mask&SB_LIVE) ? 0x400:0x600)	/* DSM microcode memory */

/* Interrupt enable register */
#define IE	0x0c
#	define		IE_RXA		0x00000001
#	define		IE_IT		0x00000004
#	define		IE_AB		0x00000040

#define MUADAT		0x070
#define MUACMD		0x071

/* EMU10K2 S/PDIF recording buffer */
#define SPRI		0x6a
#define SPRA		0x6b
#define SPRC		0x6c

#define EHC		0x76	/* Audigy 2 */

#define SRHE	0x07c
#define STHE	0x07d
#define SRDA	0x07e

#define HCFG_GPOUT0             0x00001000	/* set to enable digital out on 5.1 cards */
#define HCFG_GPOUT1             0x00000800	/* IR on SBLive */
#define HCFG_GPOUT2             0x00000400	/* IR on SBLive */
#define HCFG_JOYENABLE          0x00000200	/* Internal joystick enable */

#define A_IOCFG_GPOUT0          0x0044	/* analog/digital? */
#define A_IOCFG_GPOUT1          0x0002	/* IR on Audigy */
#define A_IOCFG_GPOUT2          0x0001	/* IR on Audigy */

#define ROM0            0x00000000	/* interpolation ROM 0 */
#define ROM1            0x02000000	/* interpolation ROM 1 */
#define ROM2            0x04000000	/* interpolation ROM 2 */
#define ROM3            0x06000000	/* interpolation ROM 3 */
#define ROM4            0x08000000	/* interpolation ROM 4 */
#define ROM5            0x0A000000	/* interpolation ROM 5 */
#define ROM6            0x0C000000	/* interpolation ROM 6 */
#define ROM7            0x0E000000	/* interpolation ROM 7 */
#define BYTESIZE        0x01000000	/* byte sound memory */

#define MAX_GPR	256
#define MAX_GPR_PARMS	60
#define MAX_CONST_PARMS	128
#define GPR_NAME_SIZE 32
typedef struct
  char name[GPR_NAME_SIZE];
  unsigned int num;
  int type;
  int def;

typedef struct
  unsigned int gpr;
  int value;

typedef struct
  unsigned int ngpr;

  gpr_t gpr[MAX_GPR_PARMS];

typedef struct
  unsigned int nconst;

  const_t consts[MAX_CONST_PARMS];

typedef struct sblive_portc
  int audiodev;
  int mode;
  int input_type;
#define ITYPE_ANALOG	0
#define ITYPE_SPDIF	1
  int uses_spdif;		/* This device uses the S/PDIF passthrough channel */
  int audio_active;
  volatile int trigger_bits;
  int format, speed, channels;
  int speedsel;

  int voice_chn;
  int port_number;
  int out_sz;			/* Output sample size */
  int in_szbits;
  unsigned long rec_starttime;

  /* 3D soft mixer */
  int playvol, playangle, playdist;
  int vu_left, vu_right;
  int speaker_mode;
#define SMODE_FRONT		0	/* Front speakers only */
#define SMODE_SURR		1	/* Rear speakers only */
#define SMODE_FRONTREAR		2	/* Front and rear speakers */
#define SMODE_BIND		3	/* Use channel bindings */
#define SMODE_3D		4	/* 3D positioning */
  int binding;
  unsigned char *routing;
  int resetvol;
  int memptr;

typedef struct
  int active;
  int program;
  int sample;
  int note_num, note_freq, orig_freq;
  int velosity;
  struct patch_info *patch;
  int sample_ptr;
  int fixed_pitch;
  int main_vol, expression_vol, panning, frontrear, bender, bender_range;

typedef struct sblive_devc
  oss_native_word base;
  int irq;
  oss_mutex_t mutex;
  oss_mutex_t low_mutex;
  oss_device_t *osdev;
  char *card_name;

Device feature mask tells which kind of features are suported by the hardware. Audigy2/2val have multiple bits set while Live! has just the SB_LIVE bits. So Features of Audigy will be reported by Audigy2/val too.

  int feature_mask;
#define SB_LIVE		1
#define SB_AUDIGY	2
#define SB_AUDIGY2	4
#define SB_AUDIGY2VAL	8
  int mpu_attached;

  int *page_map;		/* Table for up to 8k pointers to pages of 4k */
  unsigned char **vpage_map;	/* Virtual address map */
  oss_dma_handle_t page_map_dma_handle;
  int emu_page_shift;
  int max_mem, max_pages, nr_pages;
  unsigned int subvendor;


  int mixer_dev;
  ac97_devc ac97devc;
  int input_routing_pc;
  int input_sel;		/* 0=AC97 */
  gpr_info *gpr;
  int mixer_group;
  int gpr_values[MAX_GPR];
  int extinfo_loaded;
  int passthrough_gpr;
  int vu_tmp, vu_tmp2;


  int n_audiodevs;
  int min_audiodevs;
  int audio_memptr;
  int *silent_page;
  oss_dma_handle_t silent_page_dma_handle;
  oss_native_word silent_page_phys;

  sblive_portc portc[MAX_ADEV + 2];
  int recording_dev;
  int spdif_busy;

  int autoreset;
  int speaker_mode;

Wave table RAM alloc structures

  int memblock_size;		/* Size of blocks to be allocated */
  int num_memblocks;
  void *memblocks[SBLIVE_MAX_MEMBLOCKS];
  int memblock_sizes[SBLIVE_MAX_MEMBLOCKS];
  int total_memblock_size;

Audigy UART

  oss_midi_inputbyte_t midi_input_intr;
  int midi_opened, midi_disabled;
  volatile unsigned char input_byte;
  int midi_dev;
  int sysex_p;
  unsigned char sysex_buf[20];
  uart401_devc uart401devc;

Wave table

  int synthdev;
  int synth_open;
  int synth_membase, synth_memlimit, synth_memptr, synth_memtop;
  unsigned int voice_busy[2];
  int free_sample;
  struct patch_info *samples;
  long sample_ptrs[MAX_SAMPLE + 1];
  int programs[MAX_PATCH];

  sblive_voice_t voices[MAX_VOICE];


Private ioctl() interface

typedef struct
  unsigned int reg;
  unsigned int chn;
  unsigned int value;

typedef struct
  int magic;
  int feature_mask;
  int size;			/* # of instructions */
  unsigned int code[1024];
  gpr_info parms;
  const_info consts;

typedef unsigned int sblive_code[512];

#define SBLIVE_READREG		__SIOWR('L', 1, sblive_reg)
#define SBLIVE_WRITEREG		__SIOW ('L', 2, sblive_reg)
#define SBLIVE_WRITECODE1	__SIOW ('L', 3, sblive_code)
#define SBLIVE_WRITECODE2	__SIOW ('L', 4, sblive_code)
#define SBLIVE_WRITEPARMS	__SIOW ('L', 5, gpr_info)
#define SBLIVE_WRITECONST	__SIOW ('L', 6, const_info)
#define SBLIVE_GETCHIPTYPE	__SIOR ('L', 7, int)
#define SBLIVE_WRITEGPIO	__SIOW ('L', 8, int)
#define SBLIVE_READGPIO		__SIOR ('L', 9, int)

#define EMU_MIXT_EQ1		0x10000000
#define EMU_MIXT_EQ2		0x10000001
#define EMU_MIXT_EQ3		0x10000002
#define EMU_MIXT_EQ4		0x10000003

Overridden mixer controls (GPR registers) Note that these definitions heve to be kept in sync with init_compiler() routine of sndkit/sblive/asm10k1.c and the mixer_override() routine of sblive.c.

#define GPR_DUMMY		0	/* 2 locations reserved for NULL control */
#define GPR_PCM			2	/* 2 locations required for stereo slider */
#define GPR_VOLUME		4	/* 2 locations required for stereo slider */
#define NEXT_FREE_GPR	6	/* Needs to be 32 or below so that SPECIAL_GPRS works */
#define SPECIAL_GPRS ((1<<GPR_PCM) | (1<<GPR_VOLUME))

static __inline__ unsigned int
swap_int (unsigned int x)
  return ((x & 0x000000ff) << 24) |
    ((x & 0x0000ff00) << 8) |
    ((x & 0x00ff0000) >> 8) | ((x & 0xff000000) >> 24);

static __inline__ unsigned short
swap_short (unsigned short x)
  return ((x | 0xff) << 8) | ((x >> 8) & 0xff);

#define LSWAP(x) swap_int(x)
#define SSWAP(x) swap_short(x)
#define LSWAP(x) 	x
#define SSWAP(x) 	x
extern void sblive_set_loop_stop (sblive_devc * devc, int voice, int s);
extern void sblive_set_voice_intr (sblive_devc * devc, int voice, int s);
extern void sblive_write_reg (sblive_devc * devc, int reg, int chn,
			      unsigned int value);
extern unsigned int sblive_read_reg (sblive_devc * devc, int reg, int chn);
extern void sblive_init_voice (sblive_devc * devc, int chn);
extern void sblive_synth_interrupt (sblive_devc * devc);
extern int sblive_get_voice_loopintr (sblive_devc * devc, int voice);
extern int sblive_get_voice_halfloopintr (sblive_devc * devc, int voice);

Copyright (C) 4Front Technologies, 2007. All rights reserved.

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