
Open Sound System
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Definitions for the Creative/Ensoniq AudioPCI97 driver.


This file is part of Open Sound System.

Copyright (C) 4Front Technologies 1996-2008.

This this source file is released under GPL v2 license (no other versions). See the COPYING file included in the main directory of this source distribution for the license terms and conditions.

#ifndef ES1371_H
#define ES1371_H

/* CONCERT PCI-SIG defines */
#define CONC_PCI_VENDID     0x1274U
#define CONC_PCI_DEVID      0x1371U

/* Concert97 direct register offset defines */
#define CONC_bDEVCTL_OFF    0x00	/* Device control/enable */
#define CONC_bMISCCTL_OFF   0x01	/* Miscellaneous control */
#define CONC_bGPIO_OFF      0x02	/* General purpose I/O control */
#define CONC_bJOYCTL_OFF    0x03	/* Joystick control (decode) */
#define CONC_dSTATUS_OFF    0x04	/* long status register */
#define CONC_bINTSTAT_OFF   0x04	/* Device interrupt status */
#define CONC_bCODECSTAT_OFF 0x05	/* CODEC interface status */
#define CONC_bINTSUMM_OFF   0x07	/* Interrupt summary status */
#define CONC_bUARTDATA_OFF  0x08	/* UART data R/W - read clears RX int */
#define CONC_bUARTCSTAT_OFF 0x09	/* UART control and status */
#define CONC_bUARTTEST_OFF  0x0a	/* UART test control reg */
#define CONC_bMEMPAGE_OFF   0x0c	/* Memory page select */
#define CONC_dSRCIO_OFF     0x10	/* I/O ctl/stat/data for SRC RAM */
#define CONC_dCODECCTL_OFF  0x14	/* CODEC control - dword read/write */
#define CONC_wNMISTAT_OFF   0x18	/* Legacy NMI status */
#define CONC_bNMIENA_OFF    0x1a	/* Legacy NMI enable */
#define CONC_bNMICTL_OFF    0x1b	/* Legacy control */
#define CONC_bSERFMT_OFF    0x20	/* Serial device control */
#define CONC_bSERCTL_OFF    0x21	/* Serial device format */
#define CONC_bSKIPC_OFF     0x22	/* DAC skip count reg */
#define CONC_wSYNIC_OFF     0x24	/* Synth int count in sample frames */
#define CONC_wSYNCIC_OFF    0x26	/* Synth current int count */
#define CONC_wDACIC_OFF     0x28	/* DAC int count in sample frames */
#define CONC_wDACCIC_OFF    0x2a	/* DAC current int count */
#define CONC_wADCIC_OFF     0x2c	/* ADC int count in sample frames */
#define CONC_wADCCIC_OFF    0x2e	/* ADC current int count */
#define CONC_MEMBASE_OFF    0x30	/* Memory window base - 16 byte window */

/* Concert memory page-banked register offset defines */
#define CONC_dSYNPADDR_OFF  0x30	/* Synth host frame PCI phys addr */
#define CONC_wSYNFC_OFF     0x34	/* Synth host frame count in DWORDS */
#define CONC_wSYNCFC_OFF    0x36	/* Synth host current frame count */
#define CONC_dDACPADDR_OFF  0x38	/* DAC host frame PCI phys addr */
#define CONC_wDACFC_OFF     0x3c	/* DAC host frame count in DWORDS */
#define CONC_wDACCFC_OFF    0x3e	/* DAC host current frame count */
#define CONC_dADCPADDR_OFF  0x30	/* ADC host frame PCI phys addr */
#define CONC_wADCFC_OFF     0x34	/* ADC host frame count in DWORDS */
#define CONC_wADCCFC_OFF    0x36	/* ADC host current frame count */

/* Concert memory page number defines */
#define CONC_SYNRAM_PAGE    0x00	/* Synth host/serial I/F RAM */
#define CONC_DACRAM_PAGE    0x04	/* DAC host/serial I/F RAM */
#define CONC_ADCRAM_PAGE    0x08	/* ADC host/serial I/F RAM */
#define CONC_SYNCTL_PAGE    0x0c	/* Page bank for synth host control */
#define CONC_DACCTL_PAGE    0x0c	/* Page bank for DAC host control */
#define CONC_ADCCTL_PAGE    0x0d	/* Page bank for ADC host control */
#define CONC_FIFO0_PAGE     0x0e	/* page 0 of UART "FIFO" (rx stash) */
#define CONC_FIFO1_PAGE     0x0f	/* page 1 of UART "FIFO" (rx stash) */

/* PCM format defines */
#define CONC_PCM_DAC_STEREO 0x04
#define CONC_PCM_DAC_16BIT  0x08
#define CONC_PCM_DAC_MASK   0xf3
#define CONC_PCM_ADC_STEREO 0x10
#define CONC_PCM_ADC_16BIT  0x20
#define CONC_PCM_ADC_MASK   0xcf

/* Device Control defines */
#define CONC_DEVCTL_PCICLK_DS    0x01	/* PCI Clock Disable */
#define CONC_DEVCTL_XTALCLK_DS   0x02	/* Crystal Clock Disable */
#define CONC_DEVCTL_JSTICK_EN    0x04	/* Joystick Enable */
#define CONC_DEVCTL_UART_EN      0x08	/* UART Enable  */
#define CONC_DEVCTL_ADC_EN       0x10	/* ADC Enable (record) */
#define CONC_DEVCTL_DAC2_EN      0x20	/* DAC2 Enable (playback) */
#define CONC_DEVCTL_DAC1_EN      0x40	/* DAC1 Enabale (synth) */

/* Misc Control defines */
#define CONC_MISCCTL_PDLEV_D0      0x00	/* These bits reflect the */
#define CONC_MISCCTL_PDLEV_D1      0x01	/* power down state of  */
#define CONC_MISCCTL_PDLEV_D2      0x02	/* the part */
#define CONC_MISCCTL_PDLEV_D3      0x03	/* */
#define CONC_MISCCTL_CCBINTRM_EN   0x04	/* CCB module interrupt mask */

#define CONC_MISCCTL_SYNC_RES      0x40	/* for AC97 warm reset */

/* Serial Control defines */
#define CONC_SERCTL_DAC1IE    0x01	/* playback interrupt enable P1_INT_EN */
#define CONC_SERCTL_DAC2IE    0x02	/* playback interrupt enable P2_INT_EN */
#define CONC_SERCTL_ADCIE     0x04	/* record interrupt enable   R1_INT_EN    */
#define CONC_SERCTL_DACPAUSE  0x10	/* playback pause */
#define CONC_SERCTL_R1LOOP    0x80
#define CONC_SERCTL_P2LOOP    0x40
#define CONC_SERCTL_P1LOOP    0x20

/* Interrupt Status defines */
#define CONC_INTSTAT_ADCINT  0x01	/* A/D interrupt pending bit */
#define CONC_INTSTAT_DAC2INT 0x02	/* DAC2 interrupt pending bit */
#define CONC_INTSTAT_DAC1INT 0x04	/* DAC1 interrupt pending bit */
#define CONC_INTSTAT_UARTINT 0x08	/* UART interrupt pending bit */
#define CONC_INTSTAT_PENDING 0x80000000	/* this bit set high while'st we have an interrupt */
/* DEVCTL register masks */
/*#define CONC_DEVCTL_D1EN    0x40 */
/*#define CONC_DEVCTL_D2EN    0x20 */
/*#define CONC_DEVCTL_ADEN    0x10 */

/* SERCTL register masks */
/*#define CONC_SERCTL_P1_INT_EN 0x01 */
/*#define CONC_SERCTL_P2_INT_EN 0x02 */
/*#define CONC_SERCTL_R1_INT_EN 0x04 */

/* JOYCTL register defines */
#define CONC_JOYCTL_200    0x00
#define CONC_JOYCTL_208    0x01
#define CONC_JOYCTL_210    0x02
#define CONC_JOYCTL_218    0x03

/* UARTCSTAT register masks  */
#define CONC_UART_RXRDY      0x01
#define CONC_UART_TXRDY      0x02
#define CONC_UART_TXINT      0x04
#define CONC_UART_RXINT      0x80

#define CONC_UART_CTL        0x03
#define CONC_UART_TXINTEN    0x20
#define CONC_UART_RXINTEN    0x80

/* Logical index for each DMA controller on chip - used for */
/* generic routines that access all DMA controllers */
#define CONC_SYNTH_DAC      0
#define CONC_WAVE_DAC       1
#define CONC_WAVE_ADC       2

/* defines for the CONCERT97 Sample Rate Converters */

/* register/base equates for the SRC RAM */
#define SRC_SYNTH_FIFO      0x00
#define SRC_DAC_FIFO        0x20
#define SRC_ADC_FIFO        0x40
#define SRC_ADC_VOL_L       0x6c
#define SRC_ADC_VOL_R       0x6d
#define SRC_SYNTH_BASE      0x70
#define SRC_DAC_BASE        0x74
#define SRC_ADC_BASE        0x78
#define SRC_SYNTH_VOL_L     0x7c
#define SRC_SYNTH_VOL_R     0x7d
#define SRC_DAC_VOL_L       0x7e
#define SRC_DAC_VOL_R       0x7f

#define SRC_TRUNC_N_OFF     0x00
#define SRC_INT_REGS_OFF    0x01
#define SRC_ACCUM_FRAC_OFF  0x02
#define SRC_VFREQ_FRAC_OFF  0x03

/* miscellaneous control defines */
/*#define SRC_IOPOLL_COUNT    0x1000UL */
#define SRC_IOPOLL_COUNT    0x20000UL
#define SRC_WENABLE         (1UL << 24)
#define SRC_BUSY            (1UL << 23)
#define SRC_DISABLE         (1UL << 22)
#define SRC_SYNTHFREEZE     (1UL << 21)
#define SRC_DACFREEZE       (1UL << 20)
#define SRC_ADCFREEZE       (1UL << 19)
#define SRC_CTLMASK         0x00780000UL

#endif /* ES1371_H */

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