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This file contains codec initialization functions for some HDaudio systems that require initialization of GPIO bits. All functions should return OSS_EAGAIN so that hdaudio_codec.c knows to call the generic codec/mixer initialization routine for the codec. Alternatively the GPIO init function may call the codec/mixer init function for the given system directly (return my_mixer_init_func()).
Note that if the system has a dedicated mixer initialization function then also GPIO initialization needs to be performed in the mixer init function (since the same mixer_init function pointers in hdaudio_codecds.h are shared for both purposes).
For example:
int hdaudio_GPIO_init (int dev, hdaudio_mixer_t * mixer, int cad, int top_group) { codec_t *codec = mixer->codecs[cad]; int afg = codec->afg; // Audio function group root widget }
// Now use the corb_read() and corb_write() functions to set the // GPIO related verbs (registers) to the required values.
return OSS_EAGAIN; // Fallback
To write the GPIO registers you can use:
corb_write (mixer, cad, afg, 0, SET_GPIO_DIR, 0xNNNNNNNN); corb_write (mixer, cad, afg, 0, SET_GPIO_ENABLE, 0xNNNNNNNN); corb_write (mixer, cad, afg, 0, SET_GPIO_DATA, 0xNNNNNNNN);
Also (if necessary) you can use the following calls. However they will probably need changes to hdaudio_codec.c so that the unsolicited responses are handled peoperly:
corb_write (mixer, cad, afg, 0, SET_GPIO_WKEN, 0xNNNNNNNN); corb_write (mixer, cad, afg, 0, SET_GPIO_UNSOL, 0xNNNNNNNN); corb_write (mixer, cad, afg, 0, SET_GPIO_STICKY, 0xNNNNNNNN);
Next the function prototype should be added to hdaudio_codecids.h. Finally edit the subdevices[] array in hdaudio_codecids.h so that the function gets called when given codec (subsystem vendor+device) is detected in the system. It is not recommended to use the codecs[] table to detect systems that need GPIO handling. The same codec may be used in many different systems and most of them don't require GPIO init. However this is possible if the handler uses the subvendor+subdevice ID to detect the system.
This file is part of Open Sound System.
Copyright (C) 4Front Technologies 1996-2008.
This this source file is released under GPL v2 license (no other versions). See the COPYING file included in the main directory of this source distribution for the license terms and conditions.
#include "oss_hdaudio_cfg.h" #include "hdaudio.h" #include "hdaudio_codec.h" #include "hdaudio_codecids.h" int hdaudio_mac_GPIO_init (int dev, hdaudio_mixer_t * mixer, int cad, int top_group) { codec_t *codec = mixer->codecs[cad]; int afg = codec->afg; // Audio function group root widget unsigned int subdevice = codec->subvendor_id; unsigned int codec_id = codec->vendor_id; // TODO: Populate this function with the real stuff cmn_err(CE_CONT, "hdaudio_mac_GPIO_init() entered, afg=%d, subdevice=0x%08x, codec=0x%08x\n", afg, subdevice, codec_id); return OSS_EAGAIN; /* Continue with the default mixer init */ } int hdaudio_mac_sigmatel_GPIO_init (int dev, hdaudio_mixer_t * mixer, int cad, int top_group) { cmn_err(CE_CONT, "iMac Sigmatel hdaudio initialization\n"); return hdaudio_mac_GPIO_init(dev, mixer, cad, top_group); } int hdaudio_mac_realtek_GPIO_init (int dev, hdaudio_mixer_t * mixer, int cad, int top_group) { codec_t *codec = mixer->codecs[cad]; int afg = codec->afg; // Audio function group root widget cmn_err(CE_CONT, "iMac Realtek hdaudio initialization\n"); corb_write (mixer, cad, afg, 0, SET_GPIO_DIR, 0xffffffff); corb_write (mixer, cad, afg, 0, SET_GPIO_ENABLE, 0xffffffff); corb_write (mixer, cad, afg, 0, SET_GPIO_DATA, 0xffffffff); return hdaudio_mac_GPIO_init(dev, mixer, cad, top_group); } int hdaudio_asus_a7k_GPIO_init (int dev, hdaudio_mixer_t * mixer, int cad, int top_group) { DDB(cmn_err(CE_CONT, "hdaudio_asus_a7k_GPIO_init got called.\n")); corb_write (mixer, cad, 0x01, 0, SET_GPIO_ENABLE, 3); corb_write (mixer, cad, 0x01, 0, SET_GPIO_DIR, 1); corb_write (mixer, cad, 0x01, 0, SET_GPIO_DATA, 1); return hdaudio_generic_mixer_init(dev, mixer, cad, top_group); } int hdaudio_GPIO_init_1 (int dev, hdaudio_mixer_t * mixer, int cad, int top_group) { DDB(cmn_err(CE_CONT, "hdaudio_GPIO_init_1 got called.\n"));
that we init GPIO to get internal speaker and headphone jack working.
corb_write(mixer, cad, 0x01, 0, SET_GPIO_ENABLE, 1); corb_write(mixer, cad, 0x01, 0, SET_GPIO_DIR, 1); corb_write(mixer, cad, 0x01, 0, SET_GPIO_DATA, 1); return hdaudio_generic_mixer_init(dev, mixer, cad, top_group); }