
Open Sound System
The Hitchhiker's Guide to OSS 4.1 Internals

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Audio driver method for getting the current playback pointer


int (*adrv_get_output_pointer) (int dev, dmap_t * dmap, int direction);


The first paramater (dev) is anways the audio engine number which is an index to the audio_engines table. The driver can use the audio_engines entry to find out some of the current parameters. In particular the devc, portc, portc_play and portc_record fields can be used to locate the driver defined structures for the audio engine.

This (optional) entry point function does the same as the adrv_get_buffer_pointer method but this one is only used for the playback direction.

Return value

Audio driver entry point should return 0 if the call was successful. Negative return value (-errno) means that an error has occurred. However some of the functions have void type and they don't return any value.

Referenced by

audio/oss_audio_core.cAudio core functionality of OSS
include/ossddk.hSource file oss-current/kernel/framework/include/ossddk/ossddk.h

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